Ads are breaking the content box width!
Ezoic Employee
Yes, that is always a good element to exclude. There are few to no instances where ads within a <li> element work and look good. It would be best to inspect your page by clicking ctrl+I and then highlight the element where the ads are attaching to. Then add that element, class, or div to the exclusion rules and you will be all set.
Don't forget to clear your cache after too
Charlie Yes I cleared the cash. but the problem still showing, see this page example
Ezoic Employee
These are WordPress placeholders getting added to your li elements. We are working on having these exclusion rules apply to WP placeholders, but for now you will need to create these exclusion rules within the Ezoic plugin. You can do this under the Ad Settings of the plugin -> select the settings icon, and add the rules there -
I am still facing the same issue. I cleared the cache from hpanel, but still the problem persists.
Ezoic Employee
rohit_organealthy Hey, as Charlie explained, to remove wp placeholders from bulleted lists, remove the the <li> tag from the list of paragraph tags. Go to the plugin settings > ad settings > let’s go > gear icon, then under ‘paragraph tags’ click on the li and press ‘delete’ and click save
Tengo el mismo problema, mi sitio está roto por los anuncios, se rompe la estructura de bloques, pero no encuentro la etiqueta <li>
Ezoic Employee
Axarseo You have multiple sites. It's not clear which site you are referring to. Can you start a new/separate thread and provide the site name?
You can follow this guide to identify the class or div tag and then set up the exclusion filter.
Mohammad2306 me suele pasar en diferentes webs siempre que uso bloques, me rompe la estructura de los bloques, creo que la solución sería excluir la clase de esos bloques, ademas tambien me pasa en elementos como tablas de contenidos. Si tengo múltiples webs, pero lo dicho me pasa en todas cuando uso bloques u otros elementos, tengo webs que por su estructura tiene menos importancia y otras a la que realmente le afecta de manera importante perjudicando en la navegación.
Ezoic Employee
bukhaled To remove placeholders from bulleted lists, remove the <li> tag from the list of paragraph tags in the ad settings section of the Ezoic Plugin. Here’s how to do that: Go to the Ezoic Plugin settings > ad settings > let’s go > gear icon, then under ‘paragraph tags’ click on the <li> tag > press ‘delete’ and click save.
Axarseo you have a lot of sites, so to avoid confusion please create your own thread and we will look into this.