Currently, cache hit rate of my site is 33%. I want to increase it to the max level. How can I do that?

Note: I have already done all the basic troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue. Nothing works!

    Looks like your cache is operating for me as I'd expect. That said, you should definitely be getting more cache hits than you're seeing. Do you have any other caching on the site?

      No I don't. I primarily using Ezoic to handle all cache function to this site.


        No I don't. I primarily using Ezoic to handle all cache function to this site.

          Alishahareem I see you're using Hostinger, can you double check Litespeed isn't active as it isn't compatible with Ezoic and would drive the cache hit rate down.

          Aside from that, you've set your maximum cache age at 30 minutes, our default cache age is 30 days. I'll update the maximum cache age for you and I'm certain this'll improve the cache hit rate, and site speed, over the next week or so 😀


            Ethan, that would be a great help from you. 😀

            As for your plugin question: No, I am not using Litespeed on my site.

              Thanks a lot, Ethan. Please confirm me once you done making changes on my ezoic account.

                Can you also double check ads placement on my site? I am not sure about it.


                  Alishahareem I already made the change earlier this morning to your cache settings. Also, your ad setup looks good - you have a good number of ads and all ad types turned on 😀

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