guiderman Please can you send me your AdSense publisher ID? This help article can help you locate it:
Imogen pub-8662489926396482
guiderman Your AdSense account is disabled, and as a result your site's aren't going to show ads and aren't eligible for Ezoic monetization. This is a final decision too I'm afraid, so won't be subject to another review or further discussion
Hi Ethan! As the ezoic team mentioned in the email AdSense is not required for ezoic ads or monetization, so why my both sites rejected? Moreover, my AdSense is temporarily disabled and will be live on March 5 2024.
guiderman AdSense approval is not a requirement, however publisher's cannot be in any form of bad standing with AdSense. A disabled account is bad standing. This is explained in the email you have sent a screenshot of.
If my AdSense account is recovered then my ezoic account will also be recovered hopefully... as mentioned on the dashboard of ezoic. Please confirm.
guiderman If the disablement in the original AdSense account is overturned, then we can take a look at reinstating your account. Please note that the disablement would have to be overturned in the disabled account, you cannot just gain approval using a different AdSense account / email.
Imogen My adsense account recovered. Here is my pub ID: pub-8662489926396482. The screenshot is attached. Please, please monetize my sites on ezoic. Thanks
guiderman That's great, you can now reapply the site. I have put the domain back to pending as it will need to receive a full review.
Please please also consider in review, which was demonetized due to my other website, although mobizil was not attached with adsense. I think this site don't need any review. direct monetization. Thanks ezoic team. Love you
That's fine. It's now pending review.
Mohammad2306 Thanks Mohammad! is focused on only mobiles specifications and news. Hopefully ezoic team will approved my website.
Why is rejected, 95 posts published with good traffic from premium countries. Only mobiles are covered. Content Length is good. Please approve ads on Thanks
guiderman Hey, the team do not review sites here in the Community. You'll need to utilise the information in your dashboard.
Hi Imogen!
I want to reapply the I have last chance. Please check it, tell me will it be approved, so I can reapply.
Hi, my site is prohibited from monetization, what can i do to appeal for rereview because everything seem to be ok now.
Hello, My website got regular traffic but Ezoic earning is not increase. How can I solve it?
car8765 Your screenshot shows very little traffic on a daily basis, possibly just your own visits and/or bot traffic. You will want to work on your site to grow your traffic volume. If you haven't already, please be sure to review thisHelpful Content Guide from Google:
Mohammad2306 My website earn regularly previous months. But Last month my website down for hosting issue, after solve my hosting issue then I see ezoic earn is fully pause
car8765 Can you add a privacy policy to your site with a link from your site header and/or footer and provide the missing URL?