• Humix
  • Humix Video 404 Error Pages


It has been more than 3 months since I monetized my website with Ezoic. I am noticing that due to the Humix video, 191 pages with a "404 page not found error" are present in my GSC. For instance; www.sitename.com/humix/videos/... I am talking about such links.

### What is the possible solution for it? How can I avoid such errors?

    Have you removed all of your videos from humix? I'm not seeing any videos in your humix library, so therefore all of the humix urls you had will now be returning a 404.

      HarryB I didn't add or delete any video from Humix. I even left it as it is. I didn't create, add, or remove any Humix video. Then, why is it returning a 404 error? It was working automatically.

        Just to clarify - had you ever uploaded your own videos to the Humix library?

          Okay - in that case we don't believe that any URLs should have been indexed for GSC. That should only occur if you have your own channel with videos you've uploaded yourself to the Humix network.
          You can most likely safely ignore these warnings - but we'll relay to the Humix team to continue looking at this example 🙂

            Can you share a few of the URLs that you saw the error for related to humix?

              23 days later

              These videos are showing here but in my google search console account, it is creating 404 pages. When I try to open these link from GSC, it gives 404 error.

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