• Analytics

NBO Hey, it looks like you have seen a significant drop in Google search traffic since Google announced the new spam updates on the 5th of May. Have you reviewed this thread? https://community.ezoic.com/d/36942-google-spam-update-2024-what-it-means-and-how-to-protect-your-sites-ranking

Have you reviewed your traffic source here? https://analytics.ezoic.com/reports/trafficSources/trafficSource

Where are you driving traffic from exactly?


      If you look at this report, you'll see what Imogen is referencing. https://analytics.ezoic.com/reports/trafficSources/trafficSource (compare this week to last week)
      All of your other traffic sources except google organic search and google_jobs_apply have not changed (some have even increased). Only the organic Google searches have reduced, which corresponds with the timing of the Google search updates.

        Do you think it will go back to normal?If not what can I do to remedy that?

          I have tried evrything now i have made another significant note that my website traffic is not showing in realtime on Google Analytics GA4, The figure is zero which shows something is terribly off.

          can you help please aside from the above guides which i have already looked into?

            What is the time frame you are comparing? Your previous comments seemed to be about a longer period. Now you are mentioning real-time stats through GA4. Do you believe that you are not getting any traffic at all to your site because GA4 is showing 0 for real-time traffic? It could just be a technical issue with GA4, how you set up GA4 or you really didn't have any traffic when you checked. When you do a Google search for GA4, you will see there are plenty of users who are struggling with the new configuration. It's not the same as what used to be available through GA. Also keep in mind where your traffic is mostly coming from. Over 96% of your visitors are from one country. They could literally be asleep at this time.

            As we mentioned previously, your Google search traffic is down signficantly. Your social media traffic has not changed. This means the drop is likely due to Google algorithm updates affecting your site. The changes related to content quality and SEO practices.

            • NBO replied to this.

              Hello Mohammad just found out this

              "Incident affecting Ranking
              March 2024 spam update

              Incident began at 2024-03-05 09:03 (all times are US/Pacific).

              5 Mar 2024 09:03 PST

              Released the March 2024 spam update. The rollout may take up 2 weeks to complete."

              This explains the sudden drop. So it means there's nothing we can do till the update is complete and prbably it may take 2 weeks or so to get completed right?

                It is not 100% clear when these manual action reviews are completed, but it would be best to audit your site to make sure you are steering clear of all the things Google released with this update

                  Mohammad2306 I'm certain my GA4 is not showing realtime data the figure has been zero all through despite visitors 100s going to my website.


                    NBO Ezoic real time traffic is definitely working: https://analytics.ezoic.com/reports/realtime

                    We wouldn't be able to look at why real-time data isn't working in Google Analytics whilst other parts of Google Analytics are still working either. You should double check your GA tags are set up correctly and reach out in Google forums for further support on this.

                      You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again