Have you made any changes to the site around March 15th?
That appears to be when Ezoic versions of the site stopped serving to visitors, and the original site without Ezoic started showing.

    I didn't make any changes. I didn't understand your answer, can you be clearer?

      linhagemgeek Do you have any pending issues with Google, especially with respect to potential policy violations? What does it say in your AdSense account?

        It looks like you added an AdSense publisher ID to your Ads.txt Manager in Ezoic. What is that for?

          Mohammad2306 I already had an ads.txt from when I tried Google Adsense. But my Ezoic ads were working normally.

            So you have a Google AdSense account? What does it say when you log in to your Google AdSense account? Can you go to Policy Center and check? Are you in good standing with Google?

              Mohammad2306 As I said, I don't have an approved Google Adsense account.

              Below is a screenshot of the message that appears on Google Adsense.

                Just to clarify, you do have an Adsense account as you stated you applied for Adsense. Just because you did not get approved, does not mean you do not have an account.
                When did you apply for Adsense?

                Also, do you have any caching enabled at your host or via a plugin?

                  You appear to have a relatively high percentage of unknown traffic. Can you check your email to see if you received a request to share access to Google Analytics?

                    Our Platform Quality Team reviewed your traffic and reapproved the site. The ads are showing now.

                      Mohammad2306 Can you help me with one more question?

                      How do I place ads in the space I reserved? And there is an ad appearing in sequence (2x).

                        You can add placeholders via the Chrome Extension - https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/using-the-ezoic-chrome-extension
                        Alternatively, you can create the placeholder in the Dashboard, then copy / paste the code into the HTML on the site directly.

                        If you have 'adaptive sizing' enabled for a placeholder, it allows two smaller ads to show into a larger space if it's determined that it would earn more revenue.