Hello i integrated my website with ezoic but ads not showing. I completed all steps succesfully but ads not showing.
I have another website where ads show properly but in my principal website : https://yabara.net. i do anything but ads not show. Can someone help me please

    Do you have any caching active on your site? If so, can you clear it? That should hopefully get ads showing.

      koenisseg Your Ezoic setup looks good - you're approved to show ads and have a valid ads.txt file, which leads us to believe that ads aren't showing due to you using a plugin or technology incompatible with Ezoic. Can you turn off ReallySimple SSL, clear your cache and let us know if the site shows ads afterward?

      Also, have you had issues or do you have any issues with Google currently e.g. an AdSense limit?

        Ethan no problem with google you can see adsense ads displaying in my website. i disabled Really Simple SSL and testing website in no cache mode but Ezoics ads not displaying. i really don't know where there is a problem

          koenisseg Would you mind sending over a lit of the plugins you're currently using? Your site is missing Ezoic's proxy which tells us you may be using a plugin incompatible with Ezoic.

          Alternatively, would you try nameserver integration? This method of integration is better for site performance and should help us get to the bottom of this quicker

            We've re-run a bit of setup on the backend, and the Ezoic versions are now showing.
            However, we did notice that quite a few pages are missing Ezoic placeholders on the page, so that could be contributing to ads not showing.
            We'd suggest using the placement service found in the Dashboard for an automated setup.
            Alternatively, you can use the chrome extension to visually place potential ad locations (placeholders) on your top landing pages, and use the 'automatically detect on similar pages' so that they map over.
            Support.ezoic.com has quite a few guides that can help with each process 🙂

              Tucker_P_Ezoic Hello thanks you ads show now in my website, But i want to use WORDPRESS PLUGIN INTEGRATION because when i use NAMESERVERS i noticed a significant reduction in traffic

                koenisseg Integrating with nameservers would never cause a drop in visits. How're you measuring a traffic drop or through which analytics platform did you see a drop off? Your visits in general have been lower the last couple of days, which includes prior to when you integrated via nameservers.

                  Ethan im getting this message in my analytics dashboard (see screenshot below). what does it mean?

                    In addition, I do not receive any income on my Adsense dashboard (see screenshot) while Adsense Mediation is activated. Could you check if everything is working correctly at this level on this site?

                      Mediation is not guaranteed to generate revenue - it simply allows AdSense to bid on the Ezoic placeholder setup. If they're not bidding more than Ezoic partners (which includes Google Ad Exchange which is a higher level Google ad platform) then their ads won't show, and you won't generate revenue.

                      In regards to seeing that visitors are reaching non-Ezoic versions, it's down to the date range you've chosen. During that time period we confirmed that there was an issue with pages showing Ezoic versions with our ads - therefore they're not reported as Ezoic platform visits.

                        "In regards to seeing that visitors are reaching non-Ezoic versions, it's down to the date range you've chosen. During that time period we confirmed that there was an issue with pages showing Ezoic versions with our ads - therefore they're not reported as Ezoic platform visits."

                          koenisseg If you go to your AdSense account > third parties and can see that Ezoic and AdManager are enabled, you can confirm that AdSense mediation is set up correctly.

                            You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again