My site locked me out. I mistakenly added wp-admin to the WordPress URL in the general settings of the WordPress publisher. It logged me out and I can't find my login URL anymore and the theme and structure of my site are affected too. My site is hosted with Ezoic. Please how do I locate my login URL?

    Hi there - hope you're well!

    We're not quite sure we follow exactly - can you explain a bit further what action you took that led to not being able to locate the login page for your site?

      I used a screenshot from a different site. In the box for WordPress address URL, I added wp-admin. I was having issues with the wp hide login plugin so I deactivated it. In the process of trying other ways to hide my login URL Because hackers are always trying to get through, I added wp-admin to the WordPress address URL box and it logged me out. I have tried logging in with my usual WordPress login URL but can't find the page.

        We've relayed to the hosting team after some investigation on our end. They're going to need some time to look into alternatives / fixes.
        We appreciate your patience and understanding as this is a self-guided toolset, so support is often delayed when engineers need to be involved.

        Feel free to reach out during the day tomorrow if you haven't heard an update from us by then 🙂

          The screenshot is a picture of my home page now... lawbymerit.com. The login URL keeps taking me to 404 page. I have tried editing it in phpmyadmin but it's to no effect.

            chiamakanwanosike The team have responded and are unable to provide direct help at this point, they have never encountered this type of issue before. They have however recommend looking into the database for a way to revert the change you made to the Wordpress Address URL - you could search for this solution online to see if anyone else has experienced this. If you head here: https://pubdash.ezoic.com/wp-hosting/main > manage credentials, you can find the necessary details to access your database.

              5 days later

              Imogen okay. I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts. I finally type my entire issue on copilot, a Microsoft ai, and it wrote a code for me and told me were to insert it. my site is fine now. thank you

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