How does Humix feel about Short Videos under a minute? Is it profitable? Is it worth uploading on the Humix platform?

    fanrankings Hi, we to typically recommend that videos be a little longer than that as a best practice (as you can add more ads to longer videos). However, it won't hurt adding the videos to Humix and the length alone of the video wouldn't dictate whether the videos earned revenue.

    In other words, I'd still suggest adding the videos to Humix but they may not perform as well as longer videos.

      12 days later

      Ethan So I added 22 short videos as a test almost 2 weeks ago. I received no views. I'll stick with long form videos 😁

        fanrankings Thanks for confirming/sharing that information on your test - good to know!

          5 days later

          Ethan Hi Ethan, when you say we can add more ads to longer videos? how long should it be? like minimum minutes? and also where can I find information on how to add more ads to longer videos? thank you

            Typically videos need to be 8 minutes or longer to insert mid roll ads - i any shorter and you'd only be able to insert pre-roll ads. Hopefully this helps 😃

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