ezoic not linked with ad manager
Ezoic Employee
Can you clarify? It's against Ezoic and Google policy for the same user to create multiple accounts.
i deleted old ezoic agreement
i want to set this new ezoic with existing ad manager
Network Code- 23088917859

look i have a ezoic account previously which was linked with this ad manager (kajalbarman7@gmail.com
Network Code- 23088917859)
now i left my old ezoic account, i deactivate that. then i open this new ezoic account emai id- Email: wbfreejob@gmail.com
this new ezoic, I want to link with my old ad manager (Network Code- 23088917859)
linked this ezoic wbfreejob@gmail.com
with that ad manager- Network Code- 23088917859
what to do? reply me fast
if i've to shift my old ezoic account, then you've to resend invitation to link ezoic with adsense & ad manager account, because i delete all the permission.
and I got domain transfer limit for my domain- wbnewjob.in
for that reasone I cant shift into my old ezoic account
and new ezoic my old ad manager not linking
adsense email id- kajalbarman7@gmail.com
ad manager email- kajalbarman7@gmail.com
Network Code- 23088917859
original ezoic email- chakrirkhabor247@gmail.com
send invitation
send invitation in ad manager account
network id- 23088917859

Ezoic Employee
goutam Just so its clear, when you send multiple messages like this you only delay the response time as we deal with older requests first.
Its difficult for us to move Ad Manager accounts across Ezoic accounts. Why did you create a new Ezoic account?
Our suggestion would be to add the domains to your Ezoic account where Ad Manager is approved, and then deactivate the account you're currently contacting us from.
can you please give me some solution about that?
I've 0 earnings on my site