
I am getting daily visitors on my site but I am seeing ZERO earnings on the ezoic dashboard, can anyone check and tell me what is the reason of this?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

    knowledgemerger We are currently only seeing charity ads on the site right now. These types of ads will not generate any revenue for the site. I believe this is because your ads.txt is not setup correctly. As you are integrated via the Wordpress plugin, there is an additional setup step to complete for your ads.txt file, which is explained in this knowledge base. Please can you complete this step?

      3 months later


      Thank you for getting back to me.

      I already integrated my Ads.txt file properly and it also show integrated in adstxtmanager.com, and I already mention same Ads.txt Manager ID on my wordpress ezoic plugin.

      Everything is done properly but still not working.

      I have attached the screenshot.

        The ads.txt looks to be correct, and you've been earning for quite some time now - we're not quite sure if you're still trying to address issues with ad service or if there's a different issue you're seeing?
        It's been nearly 3 months since we last spoke about charity ads showing, and that issue has been resolved, so if you can provide more context to what you're looking to address currently we'll be happy to help further ๐Ÿ™‚

          18 days later

          Mohammad2306 Why anantvijaysoni.in domain showing earning $0.00 and daily visits around 800+

          Even my adsense showing daily earning, but in ezoic its $0.00

            It looks like earlier today, the platform quality team was forced to revoke access to monetization features for this domain.
            Unfortunately, this is a permanent decision that cannot be overturned, and your site will not be eligible to show ads through Ezoic.

              You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again