
I just noticed that my website has been approved by Ezoic and Google, and ads are now displaying on my website.

For testing purposes, I changed my IP address using VPN software to check how my website's ads are showing in Germany, New York, and the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, I observed that ads are not displaying in these countries. This has made me a bit concerned.

What could be the reason for the ads not showing? I received a Consent Management popup and clicked on the consent button, but nothing happened; the ads are still not showing.

Could anyone please explain the issue to me, or check my account to see what I might be doing wrong?

Thank You

    aalimran07 Hey, ads do not show to users that are accessing the site via VPN, so that is why you are not seeing them 🙂 it is a bit too early to make any assumptions based on the data in Big Data Analytics however I recommend keeping an eye on this.

    I have just accessed the site from the UK and I am seeing plenty of ads

      Thank you for your reply.
      I have another question.
      I am using wp-rocket and cloudflare. do i need to use ezoic leap?
      Thank you

        We'd typically suggest using one (1) speed optimization technology, and wp-rocket and Ezoic LEAP aren't always compatible.
        From experience, disabling any caching plugins (like wp-rocket) and using LEAP CDN caching and Optimizations is often the easiest way to manage site speed / CWV.

        With Cloudflare, you'd need to make sure of the following:
        Caching set to 'standard'
        No page-rules setup
        Browser Cache / TTL set to 'respect existing headers'

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