• EzoicAds
  • Earning affected negatively due to major drop in ad visits

My website analytics sessions are higher than your ad visits and it's not like it was same from start. It happened recently on 4th April. Since we are a level 1, we can't open a support ticket. So guide us if something has went wrong from our site. The site domain is the same healthonplanet.com

    Hi there - hope you're well!

    We're not quite sure we understand the question exactly - "analytics sessions are higher than your ad visits" - can you explain that in much more detail please?

      17 days later

      Earlier our sessions of google analytics were 80-100 but on ezoic the ad visits was lower than 10. Thus we didn't had any earnings through ezoic.

      New Urgent Issue:
      Also for that reason we tried shifting to google adsense. However we didn't knew that it will lead to breaching of the premium agreement.

      Now the ad revenue we made in the previous month is showing postponed and hold. Can you help resolve how we will be able to resolve the previous payment at least? What is the review period? And do you still release payment if our visits have dropped to zero?

      We think the site is hit by major google core update.

        Can you log in to your Ezoic dashboard and go to Settings -> DNS. Does the IP address for your A record still match what you have for your hosting server? Any changes to your hosting set-up?

        I noticed some of your content pages have this error:
        There has been a critical error on this website.
        Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.

        As for the Premium hold, there is a 30-day review period.

          6 days later

          Mohammad2306 Thanks for the response. We had some technical issues which we fixed lately.

          Can you help us with the postponed payment and when will it be released? It would be great if you could let us know the review period end date specifically.


            healthonplanet You turned traffic back on April 23rd. Therefore, the pause will be lifted automatically on May 23rd so you can receive payment at the end of May, assuming you do not turn off Ezoic ads again or remove integration during that period.

            let us know if you have more questions.

              22 days later

              Hello, Ethan
              Regarding the previous message where you mentioned the pause will be lifted on the 23rd of May automatically if we do not remove the site, I wanted to know why it hasn’t been put into action yet.

              Why is the payment still paused? Can I know if you will take any immediate action against this issue?

              We are waiting for your response.

                You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again