my DNS for my website had an error and my website become not opening and this the message that appear in DNS records
Error in DNS records
I hope to help me to find a solution for this
my website is
my website work with ezoic from several months and was working very well and no problem in it. this problem appear yesterday and I tried to get help from namecheap support but the said that the problem from the DNS provider which is ezoic as I use custom DNS of ezoic
my website is on blogger (askedia.com)
and I had tried this method here but also no benefit " The first steps would be to go to your host and locate your DNS records: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/where-to-find-dns-records-zone-files-at-your-host
Once you've located them, you need to make sure that the DNS records at your host and Ezoic match: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-update-add-dns-records-and-subdomains
Second, have your host whitelist Ezoic's IPs. Here's a guide including the said IPs and additional details: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-fix-origin-errors"
I hope to help me
Ezoic Employee
mohamedmagdy369 Hi, I'm not able to recreate this on my end, are you still experiencing errors? We did have an issue for sites using Ezoic yesterday which caused a short spike in origin errors, but this is resolved now. Clear the cache and you should be all set.
No errors know. The problem solved. many thanks to you