I have recently transferred my site to a new hosting. I was using cloudflare DNS. That I have stopped using. Now, I have updated namecheap DNS with ezoic nameserver and also updated ezoic DNS with new hosting IP.
But, my site is not loading properly and also, in ezoic DNS dashboard this message is showing "We have detected a compatibility issue. Please contact support for further assistance."
Don't know where is the issue.

    shofi this may just need some time to update.

    But let's look into your DNS configuration

    Who're you using for hosting? The first steps would be to go to your host and locate your DNS records: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/where-to-find-dns-records-zone-files-at-your-host

    Once you've located them, you need to make sure that the DNS records at your host and Ezoic match: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-update-add-dns-records-and-subdomains

    Second, have your host whitelist Ezoic's IPs. Here's a guide including the said IPs and additional details: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-fix-origin-errors

    If you continue facing issues after updating the DNS and whitelisting the IPs, let us know

      seems to be okay now. but no ad is showing on the site.

        shofi I'm getting an origin error right now on the site, so cannot access content at all. Did you have your host whitelist Ezoic's IPs as Muhammad suggested, and who're you using for hosting?

          I have provided the IPs to the hosting provider & they have done the whitelisting as they said. But, this origin error is showing after that. I'm using https://www.ethernetservers.com/ as hosting. Can you communicate from your end to the hosting provider? Or guide me what to do.

            shofi I've just noticed you're using Litespeed and ReallySimple SSL - can you disable those plugins? Neither are compatible with Ezoic, so you may be cached into an older version of the site

            If you're still having issues after then you have a couple of options:

            1. move to a host that is compatible with Ezoic's cloud integration
            2. integrate via our WordPress plugin (though this does cause slower site speed)

            Let us know if you have any additional questions

              the hosting has whitelisted all the ips and I've disabled those plugins (although I was using it for a long time and no issue were there).

              would you please check now?

                shofi Okay great, the site is loading well for me and ads are populating. Can you clear out your browser cache and check to see if this is looking good on your end too?

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