Please, i need help.
My issue is that i got some traffic from the topics and keywords Ezoic proposed for my site, which i wrote articles about.
After changes stepped in, this NicheIQ Topics is dead for my site. no topic coming up. i wrote about it, but no one answered me.
If you can help fix things so that i can start getting the keywords relevant for my site to help me develop posts that matter,.

thank you

    What changes are you referring to?

    This is what I'm seeing for your site currently.


      Mohammad, i do not see proposed post topics to write on. See for yourself that there are no topics, and i have been here over and over thinking that you've corrected it so that I get topic proposals to write on.

        Even the free internal keyword builder on post service, i dont have. I believe these are all free services that Ezoic offers. Could you help me get and use them, please?

          unjobstoday Please can you confirm - is this your first time generating topics for the site or have you previously generated topics and they have now been cleared?


            hello Imogen,
            It is not my first time. after the Ezoic dashboard was changed, all the topics disappeared, and until now, as you can see, i have had no topics

              unjobstoday Let me ask the NicheIQ team why that is - thanks for your patience as we await their response.

                unjobstoday The team got back and said you're not currently getting topic suggestions as the articles aren't ranking high enough. You'll need to grow your organic traffic in order to generate topics.

                Since our recommendations are based on search traffic data from Google, we do not have much to base our recommendation on. This should improve in the future when we release an extended way to determine topic suggestions 👀

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