From the above picture, I found, the third party revenue is almost 0 in april, why? Can you give me some advice? Is that because I show my video on my website? Thanks a lot.
How to show more third party videos to earn more
Ezoic Employee
Jerry Hi, yes it does seem that third party revenue is lower as your own videos are being viewed instead. In this case, you may want to test removing your videos to see if third party revenue picks up again.
I can see your Humix uploads only began on March 31st too which does further suggest that the third party revenue is down as your own videos are showing instead, and those videos sadly aren't performing as well.
Thank you for your reply, so can you tell me how to fix this issue? Do i need to remove my imported videos from humix or what to do? Thank you very much.
Ezoic Employee
Jerry You can temporarily choose to only show third party videos, via this setting here:
This is the '3rd party videos from Humix Network only' option
Thank you, I will try it. Thanks.
Ezoic Employee
Jerry Hi, this looks to be related to the point we previously discussed: it does seem that third party revenue is lower as your own videos are being viewed instead. In this case, you may want to test removing your videos to see if third party revenue picks up again.
From looking at your account, you've still got a lot of your own videos on Humix, which is why third party videos aren't showing on your site.

Do you means I need to remove all the imported video from youtube and all the videos I upload to humix? I have already temporarily choose to only show third party videos (like below picture), via this setting here: Is this enough? Or should remove all my videos from humix?