• Humix
  • no titles of my videos are displayed

The titles are no longer displayed under my videos. I have not changed any settings. I also can no longer find the setting where you can switch the title display on and off. Apparently this has been changed.
How can I display the video title below the video again?

    bartman4ever Hi, if you head to the video player customizations you can apply rules for the titles on each video. It seems the videos are set to have titles on them with your current settings - are you seeing this issue on every video? If so can you send us a couple more URLs so we can send this to the Humix team to have them look into it.

      bartman4ever The title is now included as an overlay on the actual video. Thus the title below the video has become redundant and the dashboard setting should get updated to reflect that soon.

        Unfortunately the title is only displayed in abbreviated form. In this respect this is not a good solution.
        To encourage the visitor to click on the video, the complete title should be displayed below the video.

          bartman4ever I'll pass this feedback onto the team to see if there is anything we can do so the whole title shows on the video!

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