How do I turn off azoic ads for my whole website? The online guides are out of date as I do not see 'Split Testing' in the left and menu. I also do not want to only turn ads off for certain pages.
How Do I Turn Off Azoic Ads?
Ezoic Employee
AndyW Your site is linked to an active Premium agreement, so you'd have to cancel that first and you can then proceed to remove integration. Split testing is available under Optimization Goals.
What prompted your decision to remove ads? Did you encounter any technical issues with the site? We'll be happy to assist.
Mohammad2306 Thank you for your response. Yes, my website currently looks terrible, as the ads are too slow to load and there are far too many of them. I have tried several times to reduce the number of placeholder ads within Ezoic, but I can never figure out how to do it. It's so frustrating. So, I am now thinking that it would be easier if I simply removed the ads altogether. If I am unable to remove ads because I have a Premium agreement, why do the online guides not inform me of this? (A good example of why I find the Ezoic platform so frustrating).
Ezoic Employee
AndyW The information is all there in your dashboard. If you want to reduce the number of ads or ad density, you can just update some of the settings under Ezoic Ads -> Ad Restrictions (e.g. Max Ads per Page) and Ad Configuration (e.g. Ad Density). You can also disable ads above the fold through LEAP (-> Script Execution -> Advanced Settings -> Disable Ads Above the Fold). You can also use LEAP to improve site speed in general but it looks like you disabled it (->
Mohammad2306 I disabled Leap because it was causing many issues with my site. It was conflicting with my theme and other plugins. I have just followed your guidance, and I am still unable to reduce the number of ads. I can see the usual pencil icon, which would suggest I can edit the settings, but I am not able to click on it and edit. Why is that? This is my main point. Ezoic settings are not intuitive.

Mohammad2306 Ok, I see mow. I had to click 'Disable Auto Optimize'.
I have cancelled my Premium subscription.
I have now changed the settings. Does this look right?
I keep receiving Error! messages whenever I change something:
Is there anything else I need to do to remove Ezoic Ads from my site?
Thanks again for your help with this.

Ezoic Employee
AndyW If you want to completely remove ads / disconnect the site, you'll need to remove integration by swapping out Ezoic's name servers for your hosting providers. The max ads per page app will help you control the amount of in-content ads on the site, you can also disable the additional ad types on the site in the ad configuration section. If you are making changes and not seeing them reflected on the site, you most likely just need to clear out the site cache as well as your browser cache.