• Leap Caching
  • Decreased caching hit rate: Enable or disable caching for cookies?


My caching hit rate has decreased so drastically lately and I'm not too sure why.

It says that cookies are present, so should I turn the "Enable Caching For Cookies" On or Off? It was Off for the longest time and there was never a problem and now suddenly it is?

I've attached screenshots of my settings.

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      Ezoic Employee

    CarolAnn Hi, you've recently made some changes to your cache settings, which are now coming into effect. You'll see the cache hit rate is building, and was 75% yesterday. Don't get too caught up on the 8.3% cache hit rate, as that's based off the last 30 days performance. Your cache hit rate should continue to build over the coming days/weeks, when you'll then see the average cache hit rate % increase too 🙂

    In other words, the changes you've made are working.

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