• Leap Caching
  • Optimizing site speed and navigation with Ezoic Leap and Wordpress Rocket

Recently my site has been having issues with the header and navigation menu. I was told by the theme builder team that the issues stems from having multiple cache/optimization plugins installed. This leads to compression of JS content with syntax errors. My problem is this-- I have been using Ezoic leap but my site was still having massive core vital issues (especially speed issues.) Since I have downloaded Wordpress Rocket, my speed issues and core values have improved dramatically.

How can it be solved that I use Ezoic but still use Wordpress Rocket as well? Honestly, I had issues with the header and navigation menu multiple times in the past when I was not using Wordpress Rocket and only using leap. At that time, a team member at Ezoic would do something to help fix the issues for a short time before I would have to contact them again about the same issues over and over. This is true about site speed, menu bars not working, and other issues.

Could I please have some help and clarity about this issue? Thank you

Note: I tried clearing the cache today to see if that helped. It did not.

    carvingajourney In addition to caching settings (LEAP -> Caching), LEAP can optimize your site by delaying certain scripts. You can go to the LEAP dashboard to make adjustments to these settings. The theme builder team can advise you as to what scripts should not be delayed.
    LEAP -> Optimize -> Script Execution -> Find Delayed Scripts -> Search Found Scripts -> Don't Delay

    You may also want to review this guide:


      I spoke with the theme design team again and they stated it is an Ezoic error on my site causing the issues. They told me to attach this screenshot.

      I'm in over my head when it comes to errrors and coding for websites. Can I have some help with this?

        In this case my recommendation would be to turn off script delay completely. It's a feature that can help with speed, but it can be quite complicated to configure if you don't have a deep knowledge of all script functions on your site. It's always better to preserve full site functionality rather than sacrificing it for speed, and you should be able to use our other site speed features to improve your performance as well.

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