• Analytics
  • Revenue not displayed for Bing, DuckDuckGo, and direct traffic on 13th May 2024


For the date 13th May 2024, Ezoic is not showing revenue for traffic from Bing, DuckDuckGo and direct traffic. Please correct this anomaly.

    • Staff Icon

      Ezoic Employee

    anurag54321 Revenue is showing overall, so there is no issue with reporting. In this case, you can deduce that the traffic sources you've mentioned didn't generate you any revenue for May 13th.

      • Staff Icon

        Ezoic Employee

      There's nothing wrong with creating a facebook page to help promote your website. You'll just need to ensure that you're growing a genuine + organic audience there 😃 As long as your users are engaging with your content in a positive way then there's no cause for concern.

        Thank You. Indeed, I am growing a genuine audience by paying Facebook for page likes. Looking forward to an engaged audience.

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