• Leap
  • Investigating connection issue with website: server downtime or expired domain?

We detected a connection issue. Please check with your web host if there is any downtime on their server or if the domain has expired.
Please help me with this error message

    Nice work on sending your first question to the community. The Ezoic Support team will aim to get back to you as quickly as possible, please keep in mind that sending any additional messages will lead to longer response times. We're looking forward to connecting with you!

      My hosting provider is Hostinger. I placed Ezoics nameservers into the hostinger. Hence I am not able to see the DNS in Hostinger. SC is attached below.

      Also I allowed the IP placed in A record of Ezoic in the Hostinger IP manager.

      Still I am getting - We detected a connection issue. Please check with your web host if there is any downtime on their server or if the domain has expired.

        swap44 Hello,

        I'm getting an origin error when testing the site through Ezoic. In most cases you can solve these by having your host whitelist Ezoic's IPs, here's a guide including the said IPs and additional details: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-fix-origin-errors

        Additionally, who do you use for hosting? Some hosts will assist with resolving origin errors, whereas others won’t. So if we have a better idea of who your host is we can provide more effective next steps.

          I use Hostinger.
          As you said, I added the Ezoic IP in the Hostinger IP Manager. But still showing the error.

            swap44 Your site is live for me and running through Ezoic's proxy, can you clear out your browser cache please?

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