• Leap
  • Performance issues after Ezoic migration impacting PageSpeed Insights metrics


We always strive to ensure that the performance metrics of our websites are at their maximum. We use several tools for this control, but for this moment, I will use PageSpeed Insights to illustrate the problem.

After migrating our site to Ezoic, we experienced performance issues, particularly with the Interaction to Next Paint metric. When viewed in "My Scores" in the "Leap" Tool, we see a rapid increase in time, as seen in the image below:

To investigate the issues, I chose the page https://www.oracaoonline.com.br/oracao-de-sao-judas-tadeu, which according to the "Leap" report had the worst performance in the last day.

I generated a report for this page, and the result was very alarming as can be seen: https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-www-oracaoonline-com-br-oracao-de-sao-judas-tadeu/mafk7vuv2a?form_factor=mobile

For comparison purposes, accessing the same page directly from our server can be done through another address without Ezoic's intervention, and requesting the report for this same page, we have the maximum score as seen in the test https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-editor-oracaoonline-com-br-oracao-de-sao-judas-tadeu/y37uak02h8?form_factor=mobile

Analyzing the issues, we can see problems with Largest Contentful Paint at 3.1s versus 1.3s for the page without Ezoic. It's important to note that the 1.3s time is not using CDN.

Another problem is the Total Blocking Time, which is at 4,960 ms. This is a very long time for this parameter. I know it will be a bit higher due to the ads, but it seems very exaggerated even in this case.

Now, regarding the search for solutions, on https://support.ezoic.com/, I only found some pages suggesting configurations that were already done in my Leap.

So, I came here to seek some help. Does anyone have any tips?

    Nice work on sending your first question to the community. The Ezoic Support team will aim to get back to you as quickly as possible, please keep in mind that sending any additional messages will lead to longer response times. We're looking forward to connecting with you!

      Your site is passing Core Web Vitals and you have overall good Core Vital Scores in LEAP. That said, there are additional LEAP features and recommendations you can implement. For instance, you can go through LEAP -> Script Execution -> Disable Ads Above the Fold.

        6 days later

        It's been a few days since I activated this option, but nothing has changed, and the ranking keeps getting worse.

          vianna_lsv You will want to re-enable Ezoic caching on the site and avoid clearing the cache repeatedly. The more often you clear the whole cache, the lower the cache hit rate will come out to be, and this affects performance ultimately.

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