• EzoicAds
  • Help with excluding AI ads using CSS selectors in Ezoic configuration


First, I wish to thank Ezoic staff here in the community for their excellent and speedy support. Not only I am solving most of my issues with your assistance, but also learning the many aspects of ezoic system.

If you could, or any of the community members here, help with CSS selectors.

On mobile and using Inspect, I copied this selector which relates to a block where I don't want an AI ad to appear. What do I enter in ezoicads / ad configution / exclusion filter?

#post-3852 > div > div > div.kb-row-layout-wrap.kb-row-layout-id3852_6facd0-8b.aligncenter.wp-block-kadence-rowlayout

    adinrain Hi, glad to hear we've been able to help you so far!

    Just to be clear, you're trying to stop ads appearing in the 'latest tutorials' box, correct? Or is it something else? It might he handy to send a screenshot from desktop where you can point at the element/areas you want to block ads from so we can better advise.

      Hi Ethan. There are total 4 boxes like the one in the image (latest tutorials is the second box). On mobile, they stack vertically, and an ai ad appears in the middle, after the first 2 boxes. No ads appear inside the boxes, I want to remove the ad in-between

        adinrain Sure,

        thanks for clarifying. So if you head to EzoicAds > Ad Configuration > Exclusion Rules > Add new class rule > enterkt-row-column-wrap and then save it, this should solve the issue.

        let us know if that doesn't fix it

          How did you come to this, Ethan? It is not in the selector I copied above, though I notice that it is a child under the main block in Inspect. Bear with me as I know very little about this.

          I added what you wrote as a new class, it saved alright, but when I checked again the entry disappeared.

            It can be a bit tricky to try and identify positioning - especially if it's somewhat dynamic like you're seeing between mobile / desktop.
            Can you try these three potential 'class' exclusions?

            After adding, the entry is not retained. Please check my comment above. Still same issue saving the entry.

              There's a pending update to the dashboard. Please try again in a few hours.

                Hi, Mohammad. Tried now, issue is still there. After adding the class exclusion, it shows that it saved. If I refresh, it is not retained.

                  adinrain It looks like that update is still pending. Our tech team is working on it. I'll let you know when it's done.

                  I have activated the Placement Service in Ezoic. I see that it has been revised since the last time I checked it out, especially the Exclusion section. Now it seems to be more user-friendly and the exclusion process practical, fast, with no guess work as to which element to exclude in ezoicads dashboard.

                  Its exclusion filters work on its placeholders, but apparently not on the AI placeholders.

                  Can I just keep the gen- placeholders and deactivate the AI- placeholders? Or you don't recommend it?

                    It is suggested to have both AI and Gen placeholders enabled. But you can always disable AI placeholders, use Gen placeholders, and simply add placeholders manually using the chrome extension to locations where Gen placeholders do not exist to maintain control over ad locations

                      Just a quick update, you should be able to save the settings now. I went ahead and updated the class for you.

                      Ah... Great news. Thank you, Mohammad 😃

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