Still experiencing the same problem
Website showing 'Your connection is not private' error with ERR_CERT_D...
Ezoic Employee
Where are you seeing this error exactly?
When we access the site, it's serving via https without any errors currently.
It was showing on my phone but it disappear and the site returned normal but now it shows origin error again
I dont know why but this origin error appear and disappear again by itself lately
Ezoic Employee
Origin errors need to be addressed with your host via this guide:
Hi, I have the same issue. Your connection is not private. I disabled SSL plugins at my host but still the same issue.
Ezoic Employee
Esteponeroscom Please refer to the other thread. You will need to update your DNS zone records correctly. It looks like you deleted the ALIAS record but you have not set up a DNS zone record for the root domain. You put a instead of @.
Likely SSL Cert expiration
looks similar to me, I opened my website with Opera, VPN is active in Europe and America region and my website works well, but after I tried asia, my website got an origin error
Good day, my site is not accessable can someone help because i don't know where to begin. I have inserted the screenshot.

Ezoic Employee
thepostnews Did you go through the steps in this guide?
Mohammad2306 i have gone all of this you can my site. troubleshooting has identify one problem affecting my connection but it doesn't specify what is the cause. IPs is correctly connected and integration in fine.. this problem results on users not accessing my web.whitelist is cormfirmed
Ezoic Employee
thepostnews Did your host tell you that they have whitelisted Ezoic IPs?
Good day, my site was setup for leap by ezoic agent.. it only worked 2 days now is returning error server. what does this mean because i troubleshoot no issues was found.
Ezoic Employee
Did you talk to your hosting provider? Did they confirm to you that they have whitelisted the IPs we shared with you in that guide?
Mohammad2306 I did they say they don't whitelist IPs they only block or unblock IPs and this case my IPs are not block i verify that myself to is a third say without access.
Ezoic Employee
This has nothing to do with LEAP. It's related to Ezoic getting blocked and it can happen intermittently. If it's not your hosting provider blocking Ezoic, can you check if you have any other firewall or security plugins (such as Wordfence) and make sure to whitelist Ezoic IPs there?
Alternatively, you can switch from Cloud integration to JavaScript integration. Or use a different hosting provider (
Ezoic -> Settings -> Site Integration -> Show All Integration Options