Thanks for the help with that! If you don't mind may I ask another question now? When I look at the debug cache tab and run my homepage (or any page) the debug cache results for the property status is 403 Forbidden. Any idea what I can look at that would cause that error? I'm surprised the site even works if the pages are all showing 403 errors???

Thanks again!


    Thanks! I checked Cloudflare under page rules and I only have one with these settings:*
    Cache Level: Standard


      Mohammad2306 Sorry ... I turned it back on ... I can turn it off again and you can check to see if it is still running. Disabling it now.

        Okay, I'm seeing Ezoic cache hits on some pages. The cache hit rate is something you'd need to monitor over several days to see if there's a noticeable change.

          The cache miss rate for yesterday was 100% ... any ideas what is wrong? This seems to be getting worse instead of better... ughh

            I'm not seeing 100% cache miss rate. The stats for yesterday might not have been updated yet when you checked. That said, the log shows that you have cleared the cache for the whole domain and purged Cloudflare multiple times over the last few days. The cache hit rate is going to be lower when you keep clearing the chache.

              You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again