• Settings
  • Ensuring site is no longer hosted by Ezoic after moving to own hosting

I am currently moving my site out from EZOIC hosting to my own hosting (I dont know why you discontinued the hosting) - but anyway. I just want to make sure the site is not hosted on EZOIC anymroe how do i make sure of this? Do i need to do any settings on my end? Or change any DNS records? Also, Do i disconnect Cloudlfare (integration) via EZOIC?

    You wouldn't need to remove integration.

    Have you already copied over the website files to your new hosting server?

    Once that's done and you are ready to make the switch, you'd just need to go to Settings -> DNS in your Ezoic dashboard and update the DNS zone records (A, CNAME, etc) to point to your new host. In particular, you will need to delete the old ALIAS record pointing to Ezoic WP Hosting and update the A records with the IP address for your new hosting server.

    Updating the DNS records to match your new host is similar to this process: https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-switch-hosting-providers.

    After updating these settings, your site should be working fine with your new hosting.

    You may also want to consider the BigScoots hosting offer. They can take care of the transition for you.

      Big Scoots is almost 3x more expensive than any hosting i've seen. Useless offer imo.
      Thanks for the feedback on the DNS.

        sunitv Their special offer was $1 until October 31. The quality of the hosting service matters too but it is your choice ultimately. If you are comfortable with the DNS changes, you can easily transfer to any host.

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