Hi there! Sorry for "hijacking" someone else's post, but the guidelines do state that we should search first and look through other posts before anything else. Maybe it's okay to re-use this post, then.
Anyway, I've been facing the same issue for more than a month now.
- My Publisher ID is: pub-9117424632154458
- ✔️ Ezoic is listed in my Google AdSense Third Parties page.
- ✔️ I've added Google Adsense ads code to my site even before joining Ezoic (can't find any resource that explains if I should remove it or keep it; please inform me).
- ✔️ The ads.txt entry for AdSense was added via the Ezoic Ads.txt manager.
Could you take a look so the mediation setup gets completed?
Thank you for your time and attention!