JainAbhi So when it comes to site speed score, there are some things that need to be taken into account instead of solely just scores. Most tools that measure site speed scores aren't the most reliable as they don't take into account Ezoic's lazy loading. Here at Ezoic, we have found that serving ads as quickly as possible was actually not effective from a user experience or revenue aspect.
Instead, we've found that it's better to stagger the loading of a page to ensure that the user receives the content first (i.e. the aspect of the page they came to the site for) - this way, the visitor can begin interacting with the page immediately, whilst other elements of the page (i.e. ads, click/like buttons) load in the background. This is what we call "Lazy Loading" or "Asynchronous Loading".
Leap is a great tool in helping to optimize your site speed taking into factors such as plugins, scripts, and so forth so that you can get the best possible score while balancing for user experience. You can use this support article as a guide for setting up Leap: Guide to using Leap toolset in the Ezoic dashboard
You can also request to have a Leap specialist do the Leap optimization for your site should you wish. This can be done from the Leap section in your dashboard.