• Origin error and 403 error

I am very upset. My website is not opening and is showing an origin error and a 403 error. I don't know how to solve this. Please solve it from your side.

    onlyprincerajput Hi there - Lindsey here from Support. I hope you're well notwithstanding this issue!

    We can certainly look into this for you - however, upon visiting the site, I am able to view things normally and without error. Can I confirm if you are still seeing a 403 error at the moment and/or if you had seen the error on the front end, back end, or both ends of the site?

      Lindsey_ Yes this error shows again and again after some time
      and I do all the solutions you provide like DNS whitelist and i talk with Hostinger all ok from hostinger's side and it is show error from ezoic side plz solve this from your side

        onlyprincerajput Can you check in your Cloudflare account if the caching level is set to aggressive? If it is, please change it to standard. Aggressive caching does not work well with our platform. Once that is done, please purge the cache from Cloudflare and Ezoic to see if that helps.

          Yes, I have done all this but nothing is happening. Please suggest a proper solution for this. I had also talked to Hostinger team but everything is fine from their side too. As far as I think it's because of ezoic DNS and Cloudflare DNS. Plz solve this from you side

          • Jan replied to this.

            onlyprincerajput This would be an issue with blocking. We are discussing this with Hostinger next week, but right now the problem should be resolved.

              onlyprincerajput Is there still an issue right now? This is something that has been covered time and time again in the community. Blocking is not on Ezoic. We can provide solutions, and we work with hosts for them to be compatible and not block our IPs.

                Yes, this error is still coming and I have also asked Hostinger whether you have blocked any IPS or not. I also sent the IPS to them and they said no, we have not blocked any of your IPS.

                  Sir, you may give a temporary solution for now, but please give a solution.

                  • Jan replied to this.
                    a month later

                    same issue I am facing. Site was working well. As I integrated with ezoic started to face errors ..somehow admin panel dont open 403 forbidden error show. sometimes it works well. Its annoying. Hostinger says all is OK. I dont know why its happening..Even MCM approval is in progress for last 4 days

                      Do you have any security plugins active on your site?

                        Only few plugins installed like google site kit, lite speed caching. performance lab, kadence theme plugins, jetpack was installed i removed now...

                          check please sometimes it work sometime not 403 error ...cloudflare error comes ....hostinger says its all ok...they whitelist ezoic ips

                            hamzamcd we made a change on the back end to make sure requests are only coming from that subset of Ips that Hostinger whitelisted. can you try clearing your cache and cookies? Hopefully the errors should be resolved now.

                              hamzamcd also if you could confirm whether you were with Siteground hosting when you first signed up to Ezoic or whether you moved to their hosting subsequently?

                                I am using hostinger from day 1st. And still using it. I cleared caching from cloudflre also browser caching but my error is coming still