Jan right. But I'm OK leaving it for now while being fixed. I just want to be able to toggle it on/off once it's ready.
Gigantic Humix Videos Breaking Top of UX
Ezoic Employee
jacksutherl Sorry for the delayed follow up. You should be able to configure everything here - https://pubdash.ezoic.com/humix/site/auto-insert this includes excluding specific locations/pages, and also ability to turn on/off float. Let us know if you have any issues.
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Jan it's still not working. Look at these pages as an example...
The large video is back at the top again, breaking the table of contents, even though Humix auto-insert is selected as "under the 2nd paragraph", and Universal Video and Standard Video ads are completely off. And the floating video pops again as well, even though it's turned off for all devices. We had made progress, but now it's back to the original problems.
Ezoic Employee
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jacksutherl I'm currently not seeing the video showing on either of those pages, but I'm going to look into this with our team and I'll get back to you with what we are seeing. To be up front, the floating video ad (as part of universal player) is where the significant revenue uplift comes into play. So if you're not wanting that to run on the site, likely best to just keep the player off entirely. Would advise to just let it run, but regardless we'll figure out why this is happening.
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Jan thanks. I will likely add it back later, but I've received negative feedback when there are too many aggressive ads. We're OK sacrificing revenue right now, to keep the site clean while we're focused on organic traffic goals.
And yeah, it's gone now. It was there this morning when I original commented. It seems like somebody changed something, or else its very sporadic.
Jan I just noticed my revenue jumped up about 3x the past week and half, starting on 11/17. Traffic has been increasing, but there's nothing unique about the past 2 weeks in analytics, making me think it had to do with ad features. Is that the Universal Player revenue you mentioned? Are you able to see specifically which feature(s) caused it?
Ezoic Employee
Yes, we have seen EPMV go up considerably on many websites as a result of the Universal Player. We plan to have this component included in future Analytics reporting but it's not available yet.
Jan it's doing it again. The large video is at the very top, which breaks my table of contents and pushes everything too far down the page. "Under second paragraph" is selected in Humix, so I guess this is the universal video. It had moved when you looked, so here's a screenshot...
How do I get this to move further down the page?
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I enabled "Alternative Player Locations" and set it to "2nd Viewport"...
This moved the large video down further, but the floating no longer appears. I'd like to be able to use this as intended, but without that large video having to be before all copy.
Ezoic Employee
Well done with moving the Universal Player down the page, I too now see the table of contents at the top of the page undisturbed along with the universal player showing further down the page. If you want it to then float after you view it, you can enable that by device here -
Charlie that's already enabled. If you read up the conversation it hasn't been performing sporadically. It shows sometimes when disabled, and doesn't show occasionally when it is enabled. Currently the floating video is not showing at all despite being enabled. It stopped working when I turned the "Alternative Player Locations" on.
Ezoic Employee
jacksutherl I know this has been a bit of a hassel, but is helping us provide good feedback to the team on what's not working/what is confusing. Hopefully I can clarify somethings (while general dashboard changes are being made currently). We'll want to configure universal player here - https://pubdash.ezoic.com/ezoicads/adpositions/adtypes/floatingvideo This overrides any settings that are done within Humix Auto Insert (confusing and will be updated).
I have added a filter to exclude your table of content from showing the video (more of a safe guard for the issues we've had). I have turned on all 3 devices for the floating video, but if you do not want it to show on mobile and tablet you can toggle those off.
Whats interesting is I am still only seeing the Humix player and not the universal video player. I've got the team looking at this right now and will follow up, but wanted to at least relay information while we dig in more.
I see the video showing on pages
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Jan I see that you toggled the floating video on for all devices, but it's not working. It don't see the floating video on any pages. i.e... https://bandpioneer.com/reviews/best-new-rock-bands-of-the-last-10-years
I'm pretty sure it stopped working when I turned on "Enable Alternative Player Locations".
Ezoic Employee
For testing purposes, could you turn that off and see if it reverts back?
If so, will be great to bring this back to the team to get that fixed/looked into.
Thank you for providing some insight and being patient here, we appreciate it and will make this more straightforward for all
Charlie yes it seems to be the case. I turned everything off, and back on with floating video enabled and "Enable Alternative Player Locations" disabled, and I did see the floating video. Then I enabled "Enable Alternative Player Locations" and now the floating video is gone.
Ezoic Employee
The setting holding back this from working was Humix Ads 'off' which we just turned on now, so the floating video is back on there for you. We are going to remove this setting as it would most likely cause issues for others as well.
Thanks for remaining patient on this one again!
Charlie I'm a little confused now... Is the floating video Humix, or the Universal Player? I thought we were only updating the Universal Player.
Ezoic Employee
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This is the universal player, but the humix ad setting was preventing the UP from floating - a bug being fixed now. We understand and agree this is a bit confusing, but our video team is working on making this easier and more straight forward. It seems the humix ad setting was blocking the universal player from floating; we agree this does not make much sense but we are fixing and simplifying now
Charlie oddly, I now see the floating video in the bottom left corner, but there's also a smaller different video popping up in the bottom right. What is this?
Ezoic Employee
jacksutherl I'm only seeing the video floating on the left when viewing the site in incognito. When I first visited the site in a normal browser I did intermittently see the video floating on the right side as well. Have you cleared out any caching plugins / technology you are using on the site? Can you try viewing the site in incognito and see if you see the single floating video on the left?