jacksutherl I know this has been a bit of a hassel, but is helping us provide good feedback to the team on what's not working/what is confusing. Hopefully I can clarify somethings (while general dashboard changes are being made currently). We'll want to configure universal player here - https://pubdash.ezoic.com/ezoicads/adpositions/adtypes/floatingvideo This overrides any settings that are done within Humix Auto Insert (confusing and will be updated).
I have added a filter to exclude your table of content from showing the video (more of a safe guard for the issues we've had). I have turned on all 3 devices for the floating video, but if you do not want it to show on mobile and tablet you can toggle those off.
Whats interesting is I am still only seeing the Humix player and not the universal video player. I've got the team looking at this right now and will follow up, but wanted to at least relay information while we dig in more.
I see the video showing on pages