@"HarryB" and after when updated the nameservers is this error message normal? Just have to wait?

    after when updated the nameservers is this error message normal? Just have to wait?

      arwynn - which website are you working on at the moment and seeing that error for?
      You also indicated that you updated to a new server IP address, correct? If so, have you then updated the Ezoic DNS to make sure the new IP is used by the A records?

        The server is the same. My website was very slowly, only upgraded to a medium VPS server

          1. Take your Hosts DNS records (https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/where-to-find-dns-records-zone-files-at-your-host) and locate the A, CNAME, MX and TXT records. (You do not edit/change these, they are simply the master copy of the DNS used for reference when changing the Ezoic DNS)

          2.Then, access the Ezoic DNS (https://support.ezoic.com/kb/article/how-to-update-add-dns-records-and-subdomains) and make sure there are exact copies of the Hosts' A, CNAME, MX and TXT records showing with Ezoic DNS.
          -- If they don't exist, create new ones.
          -- If they already exist, but have incorrect values, update the existing records (hit the pencil icon next to the record).

            Hi there, i checked the DNS records they are the same, and my page doesnt work "http://kitchenguru.site/"
            Can you help me please when you will have time, can open a private chat to share my DNS records to see what did i do wrong?

              The person you've tagged isn't a moderator in the community currently.
              You can share a screenshot of your DNS here and we can hide the image from the public view once we see it.

                thank you sorry for that. i share here then

                  Is that screenshot coming directly from the Hosts user-interface and DNS records?
                  It almost looks like it's just an online DNS lookup, which if the Ezoic DNS are incorrect would be relaying that information to such a lookup.

                    yes i send you the all letter from my host, im on ifastnet

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