Hi Team, just wondering is there a way to get rid of the black bars top and bottom of humix uploaded then embedded videos like in the page linked here? It doesn’t do that on videos I have imported from YT, only on ones I have uploaded directly to Humix. Let me know, thanks!

    Hi Emma - looks like this isn't happening on my end. Is it occurring on a particular device type ?

      HarryB oh how strange! Yes thats my iPad. Actually looking at that page for example on my iPhone its not showing the black bars either. Will check on the PC later. Are you able to check it on an iPad your end?

        EmmaB Hey Emma, I just inspected the page and switched up to an iPad view, I'm not able to recreate this issue either. Looks just to be a caching issue in this instance 🙂

        12 days later

        Unrelated and let me know if you need me to open new thread, but the last few days I’ve been having vignette ads popping up only when I’m in my back end version of my site, production is fine and double checked those ads are switched off here. Its just getting annoying, any ideas why these would suddenly be popping up and only in that version of my site?

          That's definitely unusual! I've gone ahead and added a rule that should block all ads from your admin area. If you're still seeing it happening after clearing your cache (I'd wait around 30 mins to be sure) then let me know.

            7 days later

            EmmaB Yeah, that is correct. Let us know if that doesn't solve it though.

            3 months later

            Hope it’s ok to jump on this old thread. I was on the earlier Video SEO webinar which was really helpful and I added a
            Humix channel link to my site menu following on from that. Then I updated my Channel picture and moved around my Humix homepage order but neither change is showing front end. I’ve cleared my caches, any ideas why they aren’t updating? Also, I have a few other functionality questions:

            1) is there a way to reorder the playlists on that channel page, I can’t work out how to do it?
            2) it would be great to be able to choose the thumbnails of the playlists, again can’t see a way to do that? Vertical video thumbs on there don’t look great as is you can see here https://www.togethertoeat.com/humix/
            3) would also be great if you could select to have the playlists display the most recent to oldest, again this functionality doesn’t seem to be there? Without having to manually do it

              Hi again Emma,
              This is okay to use the same thread since it revolves the same topic. We are happy to hear the SEO webinar went well for you and are happy to hear you are putting this Humix page to good use 🙂

              1. I will ask the team about this function as I do not believe it exists currently.
              2. You can adjust thumbnails here within the Humix dashboard. But in regards to playlist thumbnails, I will ask about this as well! Great input! https://pubdash.ezoic.com/humix/studio/videos/meh9vZWJa4u/edit-details
              3. I do not see this function as well - I'll suggest these to be added per your request. Again, thank you for the input!

                Ok great thanks Charlie, please do feedback to the Humix team, would be super helpful to have those functionalities added

                What about those changes I was able to make that aren’t populating on my site?

                  We are experiencing a similar issue with the Ezoic Ads tab and our engineers are working on a fix for that now - we can update you here once those get fixed. But nothing wrong on your end - we will get that fixed and squared away for you! Thank you again for the feedback

                    @EmmaB - can you do a quick test for us?

                    Can you log out of the Dashboard / Humix, clear the browser cache / cookies / history, close the browser window, then open a new browser window. Login again, and attempt to make the changes.
                    If you have screenshots of the sequence of changes you are making in Humix and then seeing revert (so screenshot of change made successfully, screenshot of where you click away, and then where you no longer see the change) that could be helpful as well 🙂

                      So my changes having been showing in Humix since I made them, they just aren’t being reflected in live (it’s not letting me upload the live screen grab will post this and try again!). The changes were to my channel picture and the playlist order on my channel page.

                        EmmaB Hey Emma, not sure what happened with the videos, they've definitely uploaded now!

                        Just taking a look on my end too, the customizations to your Humix page definitely saved. How does it look on your end right now? It may just be a case of clearing the cache!

                          Ok great if you are seeing the changes. I did clear all caches at the time but will try again! Thanks Ethan

                          Yes I’ve seen those videos are ok now 🙂 thank you,
                          Have a great day!

                          a month later

                          Hi Team,
                          Another Humix question. I don’t seem to be making any revenue on my owned Humix videos on my site, could someone have a look into that for me? My settings seem ok to me and there are definitely ads playing in those videos so not sure why I’m making nothing from them? Thanks! Emma

                            Hi EmmaB - hope you're well!

                            We have been digging into this quite a bit today - apologies for the delay in response.

                            We have seen a reporting delay that might be contributing to what's being reported, we're working on getting that rectified first and foremost before we can make additional assessments of what's happening with the reporting on your particular site. Indications would be that you should be earning on your own site for your own videos - so we're pretty confident we'll be able to find a solution here in the very near future.

                              Hi Tucker, ok no problem will leave that with you, keep me posted please.

                              On another note, I’ve noticed my portrait humix videos are appearing now in a vertical player which looks a lot better on iphone for sure, but it’s not behaving properly on my iPad or desktop. The videos appear huge and cover some below sections of text until you scroll down far enough for the video to switch to floating. Not sure if you are aware already of this issue. Annoyingly its not letting me upload a screen grab but here’s a link to a vertical video page.
