Hi Tucker, no I haven’t changed any settings for a while. I’ve just cleared that cache and my browser cache and still showing other peoples recommended vids under some of mine, its not letting me attach a screen grab…

And just to confirm, I’m talking about the video pages of my Humix channel, not the recommended videos within the humix players on my blog pages. Those only show mine.

    Hi there! Thanks for clarifying!

    When we visit a video on your Humix channel, the first three videos recommended are your own.
    That's a change we're making to help with what you're describing.

    However, it's important to keep in mind that the large benefit of using Humix is distribution - meaning sharing videos and growing the audience. Your videos are being displayed on other publishers sites and channels similarly to what you're seeing after the first three recommended videos - it's an ecosystem that benefits everyone 🙂

      Tucker_P_Ezoic ok yes I get that about Humix. Is there somewhere I can see exit stats from my channel pages?

        Also, just so you are aware, when you guys post in here I’m no longer receiving email notifications and its not notifying me in the top right corner anymore - the last one showing is a reply from 10 days ago…

          Have you logged out of the community / dashboard recently?
          That sounds like you're cached into an older version of the page potentially, if you're not seeing the displayed notifications.

          For email notifications, that could be a result of us hitting the spam folder (since there's been a lot of back and forth) and we'd encourage you to make sure Ezoic.com is whitelisted as a sender in your email provider settings.

          When it comes to exits, Humix is representing an extremely, extremely small portion of page-exits.
          Search 'humix' here and you'll see 12 total listed over the past week: https://analytics.ezoic.com/reports/content/exitPages
          Your top exit pages are getting between around 200 to 600 exits over that same period.

            6 days later

            Ok useful to know, thanks so much Tucker. I will log in and out and check the spam folder.

            I’ve noticed my shared video views and revenue have dropped a lot post May - would be good to know if you see a reason for this? I have moved to portrait video with my new videos, which may not be favoured over others portrait content, could that be why? It won’t let me post a screen grab but April saw 479k views, May 355k and dropped to 81k for June? July looking lower than that so far.

              Shared views are more difficult to keep 'up' over time because you're always going to see increased competition --- more publishers are joining Humix and generating content that might be matching on sites your videos had previously been showing on. Alternatively, sites where your videos are showing might see a decrease in visits to the pages where your videos are matching.

              The best solution to this is to keep publishing good, high quality content to Humix to share, and to use best practices with SEO on those videos.

              You're going to see volatility over time, that's natural, because of the nature of 'sharing' to other sites --- you can't necessarily control how traffic volume looks on the sites where your videos are matching and playing.

                3 months later

                Hi Team,
                I have a Humix display question for you. I’ve noticed that my vertical videos are now in a large vertical player that fills the mobile screen, which is great I love that, but I’m just wondering if then my vertical videos that are shared on other sites are always going to be being displayed in that same vertical format that fills the screen? I had noticed a difference in views and earnings of my landscape videos versus my vertical on shared sites and I was guessing that that is because in the horizontal player my vertical videos are coming up very small with the black bars either the side, so I have been thinking maybe I need to somehow go back to shooting in landscape format as well as vertical for my socials, but if now all players are all going to be showing vertical video in that format, I don’t need to worry and can stick to vertical. Was also wondering if that views/earnings gap could be because my vertical videos are shorter, but I can make them longer if that’s what is the problem. If you could let me know that would be great, thanks!

                  The vertical player was enabled for desktop a couple of weeks ago. It was already enabled on mobile.

                  Videos should appear the same way on other sites.

                  If there is a playlist with a mix of vertical and horizontal videos, then the video player will default to horizontal and the vertical video will still be adjusted to fit the horizontal video player.

                    23 days later

                    Mohammad2306 sorry to interrupt but I'm facing similar issue as the OP. So basically vertical videos will still be squeezed to fit into horizontal video players?

                      It depends on how it's set up and if it's a mixed playlist.If the playlist consists of vertical videos only, then it will be displayed in a vertical video player.

                        You are posting too frequently - please wait before posting again